Summary Abstract: Comparison between the adsorption of PH3 and B2H6 on Si surfaces as related to the CVD of SiM.L. YuD.J. Vitkavageet al.1985JVSTA
Summary Abstract: Energy distributions of electronically excited molecules produced by ion bombardment of siliconR.E. WalkupPh. Avouris1985JVSTA
Adsorbate-surface and adsorbate-adsorbate interactions and their role in surface reactionsN.D. Lanq1985JVSTA
Why the close-packed Ni(111) surface dissociatively chemisorbs oxygen and nucleates oxide faster than the more open Ni(100) surfaceC.R. Brundle1985JVSTA
Effect of ion bombardment during deposition on the x-ray microstructure of thin silver filmsT.C. HuangG. Limet al.1985JVSTA