Digital Fingerprinting of Complex Liquids Using a Reconfigurable Multi-Sensor System with Foundation Models
- Gianmarco Gabrieli
- Matteo Manica
- et al.
- 2024
- Advanced Science
Patrick Ruch is Senior Research Scientist at IBM Research Europe - Zurich and member of the team developing AI for Scientific Discovery. Dr. Ruch's main research interest lies in exploring and demonstrating concepts for the data-driven and AI-enabled lab of the future, including AI-assisted chemical sensing and foundation models for multi-modal data capture. Dr. Ruch holds a degree in Materials Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich and a PhD in electrochemical energy storage and conversion for his work performed the Paul Scherrer Institut. At IBM, he has led research projects on energy-efficient computing systems and sustainable energy technologies, and served as Technical Assistant to the Vice President of IBM Research Europe & Africa and global research strategies in Accelerated Discovery and Security.