Patricia Sagmeister


Research Staff Member
Patricia Sagmeister


Dr. Patricia Sagmeister is a Research Staff Member in the Security Research department at IBM Research - Zurich.

She received her Master’s degree in computer science from the University of Passau in 1993, as well as a Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 2000. Since 2013 she holds an MBA with distinction from Warwick Business School, UK.

Dr. Sagmeister joined IBM in 1999 at IBM Research - Zurich, where she has worked on network processors, Infiniband adapters, server I/O architectures, storage technology, various aspects of datacenter optimization, and high-density computing. In 2008 and 2009, she did an assignment at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center working specifically on POWER8 I/O architecture. Since 2017 her research focuses on various aspects of confidential computing, Trusted Execution Environments and their attestation capabilities, as well as quantum-safe applications.

She received an IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for her work on Infiniband adapters and an IBM Research Technical Accomplishment and an IBM Research Division Award for her contributions to Power 8. She is author or coauthor of various patents and publications. Dr. Sagmeister is an IEEE senior member and served between 2002 and 2004 as Executive committee member and from 2004 until 2008 as Vice Chair for the IEEE Section Switzerland.





Quantum Threat and Quantum-Safe Migration

Helping businesses to migrate to quantum safe cryptography

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