Chemisorption of organic molecules on ZnO(11̄00) surfaces: C5H5N, (CH3)2CO, and (CH3)2SOH. LüthG.W. Rubloffet al.1978Surface Science
Surface plasmon spectroscopy of organic monolayer assembliesI. PockrandJ.D. Swalenet al.1978Surface Science
Many-body corrections to the polarizability of the two-dimensional electron gasPierre F. Maldague1978Surface Science
Superlattice umklapp processes in resonant Raman scatteringG.A. Sai-HalaszA. Pinczuket al.1978Surface Science
On the effective mass and collision time of (100) Si surface electronsF. FangA.B. Fowleret al.1978Surface Science
Effects of enhanced diffusion on preferred sputtering of homogeneous alloy surfacesP.S Ho1978Surface Science