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Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- Stephan von Molnár
- Ian Terry
- et al.
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- B. Reihl
- J.K. Gimzewski
- et al.
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- P.J.M. Wöltgens
- C. Dekker
- et al.
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- V. Chandrasekhar
- P. Santhanam
- et al.
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- C. Rossel
- J. Karpinski
- et al.
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- D.K. Christen
- S. Zhu
- et al.
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- A. Giannelli
- C. Giovannella
- et al.
- 1994
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter