Structural and electronic properties of a surface alloy of Pd and Cu on Cu{001}S.H. LuZ.Q. Wanget al.1988Physical Review B
Epitaxial ordered-alloy formation through surface reactions: Al on Ni{0 0 1}S.H. LuD. Tianet al.1988Solid State Communications
Observation of elastic scattering of positrons and electrons at glancing incidenceR. MayerC.S. Zhanget al.1987Physical Review B
Structure analysis of Ge(111)11-H by low-energy electron diffractionR. ImbihlJ.E. Demuthet al.1987Physical Review B
The problem of edge-atom depression on a Cu{410} surfaceP. JiangF. Jonaet al.1987Surface Science Letters
Epitaxial growth of a metastable modification of copper with body-centered-cubic structureZ.Q. WangS.H. Luet al.1987Physical Review B
Step profiles predicted with the modified point-ion model for eight face-centered- and body-centered-cubic surfacesP. JiangF. Jonaet al.1987Physical Review B
Low-energy electron and positron diffraction measurements and analysis on Cu(100)R. MayerChun-Si Zhanget al.1987Physical Review B
Results of an international leed intensity project: II. Evaluation of structural parametersF. JonaP. Jianget al.1987Surface Science