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Quantum oscillations in the magnetotransport of a finite two-dimensional Anderson modelO. Entin-WohlmanC. Hartzsteinet al.1986Physical Review B
Energy averaging and the flux-periodic phenomena in small normal-metal ringsY. ImryN.S. Shiren1986Physical Review B
Generalized many-channel conductance formula with application to small ringsM. B̈ttikerY. Imryet al.1985Physical Review B
Quantum oscillations in one-dimensional normal-metal ringsM. BüttikerY. Imryet al.1984Physical Review A
Quantum oscillations in small rings at low temperaturesYuval GefenYoseph Imryet al.1984Surface Science
Self-consistent scaling theory of the metal-insulator transition in disordered systemsYuval GefenYoseph Imry1983Physical Review B
Josephson behavior in small normal one-dimensional ringsM. BüttikerY. Imryet al.1983Physics Letters A
Sine-Gordon solitons: Particles obeying relativistic dynamicsD.J. BergmanE. Ben-Jacobet al.1983Physical Review A