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8905 results for
Computer Science- 1983
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Parviz Kermani
- Kadaba Bharath-Kumar
- 1983
- Computers and Electrical Engineering
- 1983
- Annals of the History of Computing
- Monty Denneau
- Eric Kronstadt
- et al.
- 1983
- Computer-Aided Design
- C.N. Liu
- Mostafa Fatemi
- et al.
- 1983
- 1983
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Russell H. Taylor
- David D. Grossman
- 1983
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- A. Lempel
- G. Seroussi
- et al.
- 1983
- Theoretical Computer Science
- 1983
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- 1983
- Proceedings of the IEEE