Bistable Switching and Conduction Mechanisms in Nb-Nb2O5-Bi JunctionsS. BasavaiahK.C. Park1973IEEE T-ED
The Relevant Physical Processes in the Photodischarge of a Homogeneous PhotoreceptorHajime Seki1972IEEE T-ED
A Computer-Controlled Electron-Beam Machine for Microcircuit FabricationT.H. Philip ChangBernard A. Wallman1972IEEE T-ED
Electrothermal Considerations in Display Applications of Light-Emitting DiodesEugene S. Schlig1972IEEE T-ED
Effects of Insulator Thickness Fluctuations on MNOS Charge Storage CharacteristicsN.J. ChouJoseph A. Aboafet al.1972IEEE T-ED