Electrotransport in copper alloy films and the defect mechanism in grain boundary diffusionF.M. D'HeurleA. Gangulee1975Thin Solid Films
Mass transport during electromigration in aluminum-magnesium thin filmsA. GanguleeF.M. d'Heurle1975Thin Solid Films
Molecular dynamics calculation of the isotope effect for vacancy diffusionCharles H. Bennett1975Thin Solid Films
The preparation and characterization of crystals of the superconducting polymer, (SN)xG.B. StreetH. Arnalet al.1975Materials Research Bulletin
Diffusion of arsenic along dislocations in epitaxial silicon filmsDavid R. CampbellK.N. Tuet al.1975Thin Solid Films
Determination of the structure of ordered adsorbed layers by analysis of LEED spectraP.M. MarcusJ.E. Demuthet al.1975Surface Science