Electric field dependence of conduction by electrons in nearly pure germaniumThomas N. MorganCharles E. Kelly1965Physical Review
Frequency dependence of the two-magnon ferrimagnetic resonance linewidthP.E. SeidenM. Sparks1965Physical Review
Self-compensation-limited conductivity in binary semiconductors. IV. n-ZnxCd1-xTeF.F. MoreheadG. Mandel1965Physical Review
Electronic effect in the third-order elastic constant C456 of n-germaniumJohn J. Hall1965Physical Review
Giant oscillations in the magnetoacoustic attenuation of bismuthArnold M. ToxenSabih Tansal1965Physical Review
Rare-Earth Ions in the Alkali Halides. I. Emission Spectra of Sm2+-Vacancy ComplexW.E. BronW.R. Heller1964Physical Review