Critical dynamics of the kinetic Ising model with quenched relaxing impuritiesT. SchneiderE. Stoll1977Physical Review B
Nonuniversal critical behavior and its suppression by quantum fluctuationsR. MorfT. Schneideret al.1977Physical Review B
Phase transitions and tricritical points: An exactly soluble model for magnetic or distortive systemsS. SarbachT. Schneider1977Physical Review B
Molecular-dynamics study of structural-phase transitions: I. one-component displacement models (with film)T. SchneiderE. Stoll1977Ferroelectrics
Size dependence of the lifetime of metastable states in the kinetic one-spin-flip Ising modelE. StollT. Schneider1977Physica B+C
Quantum effects in an n-component vector model for structural phase transitionsT. SchneiderH. Becket al.1976Physical Review B
Molecular-dynamics study of structural-phase transitions. I. One-component displacement modelsT. SchneiderE. Stoll1976Physical Review B
Equivalence of two exactly soluble models for tricritical pointsS. SarbachT. Schneider1976Physical Review B