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175 results for
C.C. Tsuei- R.H. Koch
- J.R. Rozen
- et al.
- 2005
- Physical Review B - CMMP
- J.R. Kirtley
- C.C. Tsuei
- et al.
- 2003
- Physical Review B - CMMP
- 2002
- Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
- F.P. Milliken
- T. Doderer
- et al.
- 2000
- Physical Review B - CMMP
- 2000
- Reviews of Modern Physics
- T. Doderer
- C.C. Tsuei
- et al.
- 2000
- Physical Review B - CMMP
- R.R. Schulz
- B. Chesca
- et al.
- 2000
- Applied Physics Letters
- D.M. Newns
- T. Doderer
- et al.
- 2000
- Journal of Electroceramics
- 2000
- Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
- R.R. Schulz
- B. Chesca
- et al.
- 2000
- Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications