Amadou Ba


Research Scientist
Amadou Ba


Dr. Amadou Ba is a research scientist and principal investigator at IBM Research - Europe, Ireland. In this capacity, he investigates, develops, and scales cutting edge technologies in the realm of AI with applications spanning several industries.

Research & Interests

Dr. Amadou Ba's prime research interest is at the confluence of control theory, machine learning, signal processing, and online monitoring. Amadou Ba is an AI aficionado, and an adept at tackling complex problems – through AI – pertaining to various and disparate industries: Aeronautics, Buildings, Energy and Utilities, Oil and Gas, Retail, Water and Environment, and Manufacturing with specific consideration for augmented reality, digital twin, and predictive maintenance at large. Currently, as the IBM principal investigator and technical lead of a multi-million-euro, multi-year European Union founded consortium, Amadou Ba leads the development of explainable AI approaches dedicated to bringing Hybrid Cloud to the next level, specifically within the framework of Cloud-Edge continuum.

Achievements & Awards

Dr. Amadou Ba has authored a number of research papers published by top conference venues/high-impact journals, and has filed/issued several US patents. Amadou Ba’s prior roles at IBM Research - Europe, Ireland encompass TA to the Director, Global Technology Outlook Lead, IBM Research - Europe ThinkLab Lead, and Cognitive Internet of Things Strategist. His distinctions include:

  • Manager Choice Awards
  • IBM Research Division Awards
  • IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards
  • IBM Invention Achievement Awards
  • IBM Research's Top Talents Employees Program
  • 2014 Global Young Scientist

Dr. Amadou Ba was invited by the Singaporean government to the 2014 Global Young Scientists Summit to discuss and engage with eminent scientists: Nobel Prize, Millennium Technology Prize, Fields Medal, and Turing Award winners. Amadou Ba is frequently invited as a keynote speaker at various academic/business events, and is a regular reviewer for the world-renowned AI conferences.


Dr. Amadou Ba holds an M.S. in Robotics and Machine Intelligence, and a Ph.D. in Control Theory and Signal Processing from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers de Paris, France.